The TurboStack Command Line Interface (later referred to as TSCLI) is available on all TurboStack nodes to provide you with an easy to use tool to manage the services on your environment, even ones you would normally need root access for. Below is a short description of the various features.

# TSCLI Commands

The TSCLI tool uses levels of arguments to categorize functions. Every command starts with 'tscli' followed by the service you're managing, followed by the parameters for the function you're using as documented below.

# NGINX Webserver

tscli nginx reload - Verifies the NGINX configuration and reloads it if valid. If it isn't valid you'll get an error with the issue reported.

tscli nginx restart - Verifies the NGINX configuration and restarts it if valid. If it isn't valid you'll get an error with the issue reported.

# Apache Webserver

tscli apache reload - Verifies the Apache configuration and reloads it if it valid. If it isn't valid you'll get an error with the issue reported.

# BlackFire php Profiler

tscli blackfire enable - Installs the Blackfire Profiler and restarts the PHP-FPM service(s).

tscli blackfire disable - Uninstalls the Blackfire Profiler and restarts the PHP-FPM service(s).

tscli blackfire configure - Asks the user for Blackfire tokens.

tscli blackfire reload - Restarts the Blackfire Profiler service, to apply changes to the configuration.

# Firewall

tscli firewall check - Returns info on whether or not the IP parameter is listed in the iptables. Please make sure to only use valid IP addresses.

tscli firewall flush - Flushes all automatic firewall IP blocks from the blocklist.

tscli firewall block - Adds a firewall rule to block a specific IP address as specified in the IP parameter.

tscli firewall unblock - Removes the provided IP address from the firewall's deny list.

tscli firewall whitelist - Add the provided IP to both allow and ignore lists.

tscli firewall unlist - Remove the provided IP from both allow and ignore lists.


tscli php kill - Kills all the server's php-FPM processes.

# OPcache

tscli opcache clear - Resets php's OpCache.

# Varnish Cache

tscli varnish clear - Clears everything from Varnish Cache's memory.

tscli varnish reload - Reloads the Varnish Cache configuration.

# Redis Cache

tscli redis clear - Clears everything from Redis Cache's memory.


tscli dkim records - Show the required TXT records for DKIM.

tscli dkim validate - Verify if the correct TXT records are active for DKIM to function correctly.

# RabbitMQ

tscli rabbitmq queue list - List RabbitMQ queues.